Mat Neivirstellunge vum First Snow Of The Year, vum Thme, vum Bill Seaman, a vu villen aneren! Presentéiert vum Richard Heinemann.
01. Fumitake Tamura & Jason Kolàr - B-side / Excerpt / Suki-Ma (Dauw)
02. Markus Guentner, Pepo Galán and Joachim Spieth - Still Air / For LA (Self-released)
03. Floating Sun - Echoes Of Earth / Echoes Of Earth (Ambient Soundscapes)
04. Michael D. Tidwell and Piscean Daydreams - Faint Whisper of a Wraith / Ghost (Ambient Cat)
05. First Snow Of The Year - Colorless / Colorless (Slow Echo)
06. Kevin Paczesny - Chldhood Beach / Lost Horizons (Whitelabrecs)
07. Thme - Aligre / Anti Atlas (Forthcoming On Laaps)
08. Bill Seaman and Monika Bugajny - Colour Path / Map Of Reflections (Forthcoming On Elm)
09. Yunam - Corpuscles Of Light / Weightless (Forthcoming On Isohyet)
10. J.T. Gladysz - Afternoon Glow / Lush Vegetation (Forthcoming On Isohyet)
11. ASC - Inside Your Mind / Tales of Introspection (Forthcoming On Quiet Details)