Simon Says
Simon Says
53 min
Mat ënner anerem Lidder vum DJ Pippi, de Pointer Sisters oder Wolf Alice
1. Dumbo Tracks feat. Marker Starling - Slow despair
2. The Pixies - You’re so impatient
3. Soup Dragons - I’m free
4. Flavia Coelho - Paraiso
5. Biig Piig - Lavender
6. St. Vincent - Big Time Nothing
7. P.P. Arnold - The first cut is the deepest
8. Audiopsy - Faire le nécessaire
9. Raye - Worth it
10. James Vincent McMorrow - Give up
11. Pointer Sisters - Dirty work
12. Say She She - Forget me not
13. Wolf Alice – Don’t delete the kisses
14. Artemas - I like the way you kiss me
15. DJ Pippi feat. Kenneth Bager - Never stop dreaming
Presentéiert vum
- Simon Larosche